Dear all,
ITTF will be having 2022 International Umpire Examination, which will be held online in the period 15 September – 03 October 2022.
Information about the exam:
− The 2022 International Umpire Exam will be run online via the ITTF educational platform.
− The exam will be open in the period 15 September - 03 October 2022.
− The exam will be available in the following 9 languages: English, Arabic,
Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Russian.
Note: When submitting the candidates’ registration form, the MAs will have to indicate
the chosen language for each candidate.
Candidates’ Requirements and Recommendations:
− IU candidates must have excellent knowledge and understanding of the Laws of Table Tennis, and Regulations, for International Competitions, as well as of the Handbook for Match Officials and/or any similar publications that they may have received by their MA or the ITTF.
− An age limit applies for accessing the IU exam – candidates must be born on 1 January 2002 or before.
− It is highly recommended that the candidates have passed the Umpires Level 2 (National Umpire) Exam (or equivalent), following the ITTF education program or second level under Member Association ́s own umpire education and qualification program for at least 2 years, and that they have at least 2 years of experience officiating at a national level.
− Basic knowledge of Microsoft Office and of Internet browsers is also recommended.
Examination Process – Dos and Don'ts:
− It is recommended that the MAs organize their candidates to take the IU exam together, in a centralized and controlled environment, or at several locations, taking into consideration Covid-19 guidelines for the respective local authorities/government.
− A member of the MA shall supervise the candidates and the smooth examination process.
Note: Each MA is responsible to organize themselves in the best possible way in order to meet the above conditions in the timeframe demanded based on their own requirements, available resources, and geographical constraints.
− While the online examination is in progress the candidates MUST:
Complete the exam in 60 minutes or less.
Declare that they will not discuss the content of the exam until the publication of the exam results.
− During the examination the candidates MUST NOT:
Use reference books or any reference material/sources.
Consult each other or anyone during the taking of the examination.
Make copies or transcripts of the exam questions.
Technical Requirements:
− Each candidate must do the examination on their own device, i.e. laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
− Stable Internet access has to be assured during the 1 hour when the candidates will be carrying out the exam.
Registration shall be submitted through respective TTA to TTAM ( on or before Wednesday 08/06/2022 @ 12.00pm (Noon) copy to Mr. Lee Su Hau (, Ms. Corrine ( and Mr. David Chia ( for verification and further action.
The entry fee for the examination is RM150.00 per candidate payable to the TTAM.
Those NUs who are interested to sit for the 2022 IU exam, please fill up the registration form ASAP.