TTAM State Affiliates
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to inform you that the State Level Umpires Examination 2023 will be held as follow:
Date : Either on May 27th (Saturday) or May 28th (Sunday), 2023
(To be decided by State TTA)
Time : To be decided by State TTA
Place : To be decided by State TTA
Closing Date for submission of Candidate Registration Form & Payment of Fees:
12 noon of 17th April 2023 (Monday)
Where possible, it is recommended that State TTAs conduct a basic umpire’s course as early as possible, preferably at least one week before the examination so as to help candidates prepare for the examination.
The entry fee for the examination is RM10.00 per candidate payable to the TTAM.
State TTAs may charge the participants an additional fee to defray costs, such as photocopying, refreshments, etc. However, State TTAs are responsible for the remittance of RM10.00 per candidate to the TTAM by the time of the ‘closing date’ stated above. State TTAs are to complete the attached form ‘2023-1_TTAM SU Exam - Candidate Reg Form.xls’, one for each centre, and return the same to & copy to no later than the closing date stated above.
Failure to submit duly completed forms and/or to pay the required fee by the date and time stipulated above may result in the registration form being made invalid.
Please note that the Question Paper will be sent directly to the named Chief Invigilator (Proctor) ONLY, who shall be responsible for the security and confidentially of the Paper as well as for the conducting of the Examination and return of the answer scripts. The email given must be that of the Chief Invigilator and not a 3rd Party.
Where there is more than one Center in any one State:
i. Please use one form for each Centre, noting that there must be a different Chief Invigilator for each Centre
ii. All centres in any one State must conduct the examination on the same date, failing which, the centres that conduct the exam on the later date may have their results voided.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,