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Invitation for Umpires to the 2022 Asian Junior and Cadet Table Tennis Championships

Deadline: 31st May 2022 @ 4.00 PM

Dear Friends,

The ATTU Technical and Umpires Committee, in cooperation with the Organizing Committee of the 2022 Asian Junior and Cadet Table Tennis Championships, cordially invite National Associations of Asia to nominate International Umpires (IU) for this prestigious event, which will take place in Vientiane, Laos, under the direction of the Laos Table Tennis Federation from 1st September to 6th September 2022.

A total of 32 overseas International Umpires will be invited. Hospitality in a double room sharing with another umpire starts from lunch on Wednesday 31st August 2022 through to breakfast on Wednesday 7th September 2022. The nominees, or their Associations, are responsible for all related international travel costs to Laos and insurance costs. Each Umpire will receive an honorarium in accordance with ATTU guidelines.

Associations may nominate up to three International Umpires. One of the nominations should be an International Umpire who has achieved Blue Badge status or Blue Badge in Progress status, with other nominations being International Umpires (White Badge) who has been active internationally for the past two years.

Subject to final confirmation with the ITTF URC, certified evaluators will conduct field of play evaluations on eligible umpires working at the 2022 Asian Junior & Cadet Table Tennis Championships. An Advanced Umpire Training (AUT) Course will also be held one day before the Championships on Wednesday 31st August 2022 from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. White Badge Umpires selected for the event may take part in the AUT. Those who pass the written examination will enter the Blue Badge (BB) umpire program of URC. Arrival for those attending the AUT Course are expected to be on Tuesday 30th August 2022. Candidates of the AUT or their Association will be responsible for the Course fees of US$ 50 plus the additional night’s (Tuesday 30th August) accommodation.

Nominees, or their Associations, are responsible for all related travel to Vientiane Airport and insurance costs. Please note that by submitting a nomination, the Association confirms its responsibility to ensure the nominee has sufficient financial support for airfare and if applicable, an additional night’s accommodation, the course and examination fees.

Due to COVID-19 precautions, all participants of the Championships including umpires are required to satisfy the COVID-19 regulations of the government of Laos. Full vaccination is required for all umpires and valid vaccine certificates must be submitted to the LOC. Further details of requirements will be sent to all selected participants.

All Umpires are expected to arrive sufficiently early to attend the Referee Briefing planned for the evening of Wednesday 31st August 2022. This is an open invitation to all member Associations of the ATTU and therefore not all nominated umpires may be accepted. Only nominations submitted by Associations of ATTU by the deadline will be considered. Names of IUs being accepted will be sent to all Associations by Monday 4th July 2022.

Please complete the attached nomination form and submit it to TTAM via email at (, copy to State TTA (State endorsement required), Mr. Lee Su Hau ( and Ms. Corrine Wong ( not later than Tuesday 31st May 2022 @ 4.00 pm . Late submissions will not be considered. In preparation for the announcement of selections, please ensure you have a copy of your nominee’s passport, as this will be required for visa purpose. We highly appreciate your consideration while nominating your IUs for the event.

Thank you for your support.



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