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Umpire Invitation for 12th ASEAN Para Games 2023 Cambodia

Deadline: 31st December 2022 (Saturday) @ 4.00 pm

Dear friends,

The 12th ASEAN Para Games to be held in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia on 3-10 June 20.

The Organizing Committee sincerely invites member associations to nominate two International Umpires, one of them must be female, to officiate in the Games.

The closing date for nominations is 31st December 2022 @ 4.00 pm. Please complete the attached nomination form and submit to TTAM via email at (, copy to State TTA (State endorsement required), Mr. Lee Su Hau ( and Ms. Corrine Wong (

The ITO Nominations are subject for approval by the ASEAN Paralympic Sports Federation (APSF) and no assurance that all nominations will be approved.

The LOC will shoulder the flight tickets and accommodations of the approved ITOs for the Games.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.



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